We Love Conventions GmbH
Managing Director: Markus Borchert
Kranenberg 3a
59846 Sundern (Sauerland), Germany
Telephone: +49 (0) 2935 522 003 0

Registry Information: Local Court Arnsberg, Germany
Registration Number: HRB 13774
Tax Number: 303/5735/0761
VAT Identification Number pursuant to § 27a of the German VAT
Act: VAT ID No.: DE317045807

EU Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution Platform:

Responsible Party pursuant to § 6 Abs.2 MDStV: Markus Borchert, Kranenberg 3a, 59846 Sundern (Sauerland), Germany, Germany

PHOTOS by Jennifer Ehlers, Lars Kaphengst, Nicole Kubelka, Holger Much, Ton De Koning, Bob Driessen, Anna Plümacher, Gerome Defrance

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